A Life-Changing Spiritual Pilgrimage

Be one of the first people in history to experience Eucharistic Consecration. You'll journey alongside Mother Teresa, John Paul II, Thérèse of Lisieux and other spiritual masters to experience Jesus in the Eucharist like never before.

What is the difference between the people who have left the Catholic Church over the past thirty years and those who have stayed? I believe the answer to this question holds the key to re-energizing the Catholic Church.

There may be many differences between these two groups, but there is one difference that marks the essential difference between the fifty million people who have left the Catholic Church over the past thirty years and those who have stayed.

What is the one thing? What is this essential difference? Those who believe don’t leave. Believe what? Believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.

Those who believe don’t leave. This is our one hopeful truth. I want you to hold that thought in your mind as we make this journey together. Those who believe don’t leave. I want you to ponder this singular truth as you pray about joining the The International Society of the Eucharistic that we have established to ensure this single idea gets its rightful place of prominence for generations to come. 

One hopeful truth can outweigh all the people and experiences that try to steal our hope each day. This is that one hopeful truth. Those who believe don’t leave. This single truth holds the power to change everything.

Trust. Surrender. Believe. Receive.

If you want to do something about this crisis… Become a member of The International Society of the Eucharist today and we will send you a free copy of 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory, a copy of 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory for KIDS, and a copy of the Limited Edition JOURNAL, which includes a special Holy Week Retreat. 

Have a great day and remember… Be Bold. Be Catholic. We are people of the Eucharist.


What is The International Society of the Eucharist?

The International Society of the Eucharist is an initiative focused exclusively on educating people about the Eucharist and inspiring them to have a more personal and profound relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist.

What inspired the creation of The International Society of the Eucharist?

In 2019, the Pew Research Center conducted extensive research around what Catholics believe around the Eucharist. The United States Conferences of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) responded by launching a multi-year initiative known as the Eucharistic Revival. They also called upon lay people and Catholic ministries to imagine how they could contribute to renew Catholics’ understanding and appreciation of the Eucharist.

The International Society of the Eucharist is a direct and innovative response to this invitation.

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Yes. Absolutely. 100%. We will send you a tax letter specifically for your donation to The International Society of the Eucharist.

What Is Consecration?

Consecration is to devote yourself to God and make yourself 100 percent available to carry out His will on this earth. It is an act of unconditional surrender to God. Through the act of consecration, we dedicate ourselves abundantly, wholeheartedly, and completely to the will of God, surrender our distractions and selfishness, and promise to faithfully respond to God’s grace in our lives.

In the Book of Exodus, after the incident with the golden calf, Moses realized that the people had lost their way, and so he called them together and said, “Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord. . . that He may bestow upon you a blessing this day.” (Exodus 32:29)

In the First Book of Chronicles, after God chose his son Solomon to lead, David gave everything he had over to God and the people of Israel. And then he asked, “Who else among you will contribute generously and consecrate themselves to the Lord this day?” (1 Chronicles 29:5)

In the Book of Joshua, God’s chosen people entered the Promised Land after wandering in the desert for forty years. Joshua asked the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant before the people and said, “Consecrate yourselves to the Lord, for tomorrow He will do wonders among you.” (Joshua 3:5) For the Jewish people, the Ark of the Covenant was God’s dwelling place on earth, God’s presence among them.

The Eucharist is God dwelling among us. And so, today I say to you, with Moses, David, and Joshua:

“Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord . . . that He may bestow upon you a blessing this day.”

“Who else among you will contribute generously and consecrate themselves to the Lord this day?”

“Consecrate yourselves to the Lord, for tomorrow He will do wonders among you.”

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory is the first ever guide to Eucharistic Consecration. Catholics have consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Saint Joseph, Saint Raphael, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Anne, the Holy Spirit, the Miraculous Medal, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Mediatrix of All Grace, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Sorrows, and to the Holy Trinity.

I believe it is time we consecrated ourselves to Jesus in the Eucharist—it is time for a Eucharistic Consecration.

33 Days . . . The Book

At critical times throughout Salvation History, God’s people have been invited to consecrate themselves. We are at one of those critical times in history, and consecrating ourselves, our families, our country, and indeed, the whole world to the Eucharist may make all the difference.

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory is the first ever Eucharistic Consecration guide. This unprecedented spiritual resource presents profound truths, astonishing historical facts, powerful practical examples, a daily virtue to adopt, extraordinary prayers, and inspiring stories—all in an easy-to-follow daily format.

Life is a pilgrimage. It is a sacred journey toward our eternal home with God. Learn what it means to be a pilgrim in a world that is constantly trying to reduce you to a tourist and consumer. Journey with Mother Teresa, John Paul II, Thérèse of Lisieux, Maximilian Kolbe, Thomas Aquinas, Sister Faustina, the Children of Fatima, and Mary the Mother of God to experience Jesus in the Eucharist like never before.

Prepare yourself for an explosion of grace in your life. Grace is the assistance God gives us to do what is good, true, noble, and right. And there is no better way to receive God’s grace than through the Eucharist. Over the next thirty-three days you will learn how these great saints and others lived in Eucharistic Glory.


This extraordinary spiritual guide will forever change the way you spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist.

This consecration is an invitation to dedicate yourself to God and make yourself 100 percent available to carry out His will on this earth. It is an act of unconditional surrender to Jesus in the Eucharist, an opportunity to set aside our distractions and selfishness, dedicate ourselves abundantly, wholeheartedly, and completely to the will of God, and promise to faithfully respond to God’s grace in our life.

In the Book of Exodus, after the incident with the golden calf, Moses realized that the people had lost their way, and so he called them together and said:

“Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord… that He may bestow upon you a blessing this day.”

In the First Book of Chronicles, after God chose his son Solomon to lead, David gave everything he had over to God and the people of Israel. And then he asked:

“Who else among you will contribute generously and consecrate themselves to the Lord this day?”

In the Book of Joshua, God’s chosen people entered the Promised Land after wandering in the desert for forty years. Joshua asked the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant before the people and said:

“Consecrate yourselves to the Lord, for tomorrow He will do wonders among you.” 

For the Jewish people, the Ark of the Covenant was God’s dwelling place on earth, God’s presence among them. The Eucharist is God dwelling among us today. And so, today I say to you, with Moses, David, and Joshua . . . “Consecrate yourself today to the Lord . . . that He may bestow upon you a blessing this day.”

33 Days to Eucharistic Glory is the first guide to Eucharistic Consecration. Catholics have consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Saint Joseph, Saint Raphael, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Anne, the Holy Spirit, the Miraculous Medal, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Mediatrix of All Grace, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Sorrows, and to the Holy Trinity.

I believe it is time we consecrated ourselves to Jesus in the Eucharist—it is time for a Eucharistic Consecration.

How to Use This Book

Over the next thirty-three days you are going to take a spiritual pilgrimage. Some people go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela or Rome. I hope you can join us one day on one of our amazing pilgrimages to these places. But this spiritual pilgrimage you can make in the comfort of your favorite chair. And yet, it will be the longest journey you ever make without moving an inch.

A pilgrimage is a sacred journey with a specific intention. Our journey will be an inner journey, and our specific intention is Eucharistic Consecration.

This book is intended as a handbook for your spiritual pilgrimage. The readings, prayers, and other resources are arranged day-by-day and under a weekly theme. This is a time of preparation for the profound experience of Eucharistic Consecration. The reflections are designed to be deeply spiritual and intensely practical.

This preparation will require about fifteen minutes each day. Here is a step-by-step guide to each day:

  1. Find a quiet place.
  2. Read the reflection.
  3. Ponder the one idea that struck you most from the reading for a few minutes.
  4. Pray the Spiritual Communion.
  5. Look for opportunities to adopt the virtue of the day amidst your daily activities.
  6. Have a great day!

The journey will last thirty-three days. Four weeks and five days. Each week is arranged around a theme and designed to prepare you for your consecration on day thirty-three, but also to educate and inspire you about the extraordinary power of the Eucharist.

Week One: The Eucharist and the Pilgrim

Week Two: The Eucharist and the Saints

Week Three: The Eucharist and You

Week Four: The Eucharist and History

The Final Days: The Moment of Surrender

If you miss a day, don’t get discouraged, and don’t quit. Every evil force in the universe wants you to do that. You will feel the pull of those evil spirits at times. And the pull of those evil spirits will be tempting you to abandon this pilgrimage. Don’t. See those temptations for what they are: proof that what you are doing is a powerful spiritual exercise that is going to bear abundant fruit in your life and for the world.

If you miss a day, or two days, or even five days, do not give in to discouragement. Discouragement doesn’t come from God.

If you miss days, simply read the days you missed, and keep moving forward. You will be tempted to abandon this journey or tempted to go back and start again. Don’t. This again is just the pull of evil spirits that do not want you to complete this consecration.

If you started praying the rosary and started over each time you got distracted, you would never finish a single rosary.

Stay the course. Don’t give in to distraction or discouragement. No matter what, thirty-three days after you start: Consecrate yourself to Jesus in the Eucharist. Day 33 lays out clearly how to complete the Act of Consecration.

All that’s left to do now is select a start date. You can start your spiritual pilgrimage any day you wish. It is, however, tradition to begin on a date that leads you to complete the consecration on a feast day. With that in mind, you will find a chart at the end of this section of with some options for starting your journey.

But keep in mind that the Church honors at least one saint or solemnity every day of the year. Some people like to conclude on the feast day of their favorite saint or the saint they were named after. And if you wish to start today, it is just a matter of calculating which feast day will be your day of consecration. I do think it is good to know before you begin, so call on that saint’s intercession along the way, especially during moments of difficulty and discouragement.

Start Dates

How to Choose a Date to Begin

Choosing a date to begin your 33 day preparation for Eucharistic Consecration is important.

You can start your spiritual pilgrimage any day you wish. It is, however, tradition to begin on a date that leads you to complete the consecration on a feast day. With that in mind, you will find a table below with some options for starting your journey.

But keep in mind that the Church honors at least one saint or solemnity every day of the year. Some people like to conclude on the feast day of their favorite saint or the saint they were named after. And if you wish to start today, it is just a matter of calculating which feast day will be your day of consecration. I do think it is good to know before you begin, so call on that saint’s intercession along the way, especially during moments of difficulty and discouragement.

A Special Invitation

Join more than a million people and prepare during Lent 2024. Beginning Ash Wednesday we will email you a short video each day throughout Lent. This preparation will culminate in your Eucharistic Consecration on Holy Thursday as we celebrate the Institution of the Eucharist by remembering the Last Supper.

Click here to SIGN UP.

The Institution of the Eucharist

"Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body"' (Mt 26:26).

"By celebrating the Last Supper with his Apostles in the course of the Passover meal, Jesus gave the Jewish Passover its definitive meaning. Jesus' passing over to his Father by his Death and Resurrection, the new Passover, is anticipated in the Supper and celebrated in the Eucharist, which fulfills the Jewish Passover and anticipates the final Passover of the Church in the glory of the Kingdom" (CCC, 1340). 

Click here to SIGN UP.

Make this your Best Lent Ever by joining us in a spiritual pilgrimage toward Eucharistic Consecration.

2025 Dates

Click here to download a quick reference for 2025 dates or see below.

Consecrate America

One Dream.

We have a dream of consecrating the whole world to the Eucharist. One person at a time, one marriage at a time, one family at a time, one neighborhood at a time, one parish at a time, one diocese at a time, one country at a time. The whole world consecrated to Jesus in the Eucharist. Join us in this dream and together we can do something bold and visionary!

Sign the Petition

SIGN the PETITION today!

Most Reverend Timothy Broglio


United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

3211 4th St NE

Washington, DC 20017 


Your Excellencies,

We the faithful, with filial respect, wish to humbly petition you, the President of the USCCB, and your brother bishops, to solemnly consecrate America to the Eucharist.

It is our belief that such a consecration would unleash the grace, mercy, and light the people of God and today’s culture need to navigate these times of increasing turmoil.

While 70,000 Catholics will pilgrimage to Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Congress, we invite you to consider the impact of all 72 million Catholics in the United States joining that pilgrimage spiritually by consecrating themselves, their marriages, their parishes, their dioceses, and our country to the Eucharist. This would be a great moment in the history of the United States, a great moment in the life of the Church, and a culminating moment in your efforts to raise awareness of Jesus’ True Presence in the Eucharist.

Imagine if every Catholic in every parish was able to participate in the Eucharistic Revival and the National Eucharistic Congress in this way, all united in one dream: to consecrate America to the Eucharist.

May Jesus in the Eucharist shower you and our country with unending grace,

Matthew Kelly

SIGN the PETITION today!

2025 Consecration Start Dates

consecration dates

Look ahead to the next 9 years! Click here to download.